Prayer Circle

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Prayer Circle

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  • God would prepare our mentors, wranglers, and staff to be able to meet the individual needs of each participant this coming year.

  • The prayers and support of area churches.

  • Guidance as we interview and train volunteers for the summer programs

  • Prayers for our current crisis session participants.

  • For Ranch friends, the Kuipers family, who are mourning the loss of their dear wife and mother, Maxine.

  • Our trainings to be beneficial and safe as we prepare for summer.

  • For God to bring us volunteers gifted in the area of fundraising.

  • Support from local businesses.


  • The opportunity to reach out to the hurting children and their families with the love and hope of Christ.

  • Thanks for Kelli, who has created our theme poster for many years and created this years as well.

  • For Dave, who is blessing us with his artistic talents to bring our ideas for the theme this year to life.

  • Thanks for those who attended our On the Border fundraiser last month

  • Thank you for each volunteer and staff member that so graciously gives of themselves.

  • Those returning pop cans for us throughout the winter months.

  • We are thankful for our faithful donors who keep us running.

  • Praise that the horses are shedding, that means spring is coming!